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Pie, Crusts, & Misc.

Amish Country Cooking

Pecan Pie Mix

Put½ cup pecans (2 oz.) in the bottom of a 9" unbaked pie shell. Take 2¼ cup (l lb.) pecan pie
mix and add l cup hot tap water. Stir and pour over pecans. Bake at 375 ° for 35 - 40 minutes
or until center of pie is firmly set. Very good and easy to make.

Pie Crust Mix

Combine l cup mix with 2 -3 Tbsp. water and stir until ball forms. Roll on lightly floured surface.
Bake unfilled crust at 425 ° for 7 -l O minutes.

Whip Topping Mix

Pour½ cup milk into small mixing bowl (warm weather, chill bowl). Add ½ cup whipped topping
mix. Whip on high speed 2-3 minutes with electric mixer until peaks are formed.

Dutch Whip Peach or Strawberry Topping Mix

Chill bowl and beaters. Pour l 1/. cup ice water (no ice) into bowl, add l ½ cup Dutch whip mix.
Mix on low speed until dissolved. Whip on medium high to desired consistency. Optional: Mix
with pudding for a mousse, serve immediately or cover and refrigerate or freeze for later use.


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